Most companies will agree that their employees are one of their most valuable assets. It, therefore, stands to reason that employees' wellness is critical to a productive and profitable future for both employer and employee.
In a recent survey it was discovered that employees' claim that stress from their personal finances are the number one reason for lower productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. The employees that were surveyed admit to spending up to twelve hours per month on their personal finances.
This is not surprising, as many people struggle with their day-to-day finances. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of Americans have very little in savings, [less than $1000.00] and are going into debt to take care of their day-to-day necessities. Many have very little confidence that they will be able to retire and, therefore, live with uncertainty.
Here at Breakthrough Success, in Vancouver, Washington, we have a comprehensive Financial Wellness Program with tools, training, and support, that can help employees manage their finances, make long-range plans for the future, and motivate them to take action! We provide weekly financial wellness tips ,five on-site presentations throughout the year and confidential 1:1 coaching via phone or video chat for employees.
Financial Topics:
Understanding financial wellness
Save for emergencies
Reduce Debt
Build Equity
Create your future
Charles Verdugo, having worked for two decades in the banking and financial industry, brings top quality Financial Wellness Coaching to your workplace.
Get in touch today to learn more.